Similar words: at other times, time after time, times, betimes, at times, ofttimes, time slot, many times. Meaning: adv. by a factor of four.
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121 The teacher told her the baby had been choking, would not take a bottle and had thrown up four times.
122 Paul claps his hand to his head three or four times.
123 Poor countries exporting to the industrialised world face tariffs four times as high as those facing rich countries.
124 In the first round, Palmer scored a 12 there, hitting out of bounds four times.
125 Round for round plastic bullets have killed over four times as many people as their rubber predecessors.
126 The slight indecency of nakedness, emphasized by her stockings, four times suspended to an elastic girdle, bothered her.
127 But how difficult is it to tell basically the same story four times?
128 Up to 1.2 million cubic metres are expected to be cut this year - three or four times as much as in 1991.
129 That's four times the hospitalisation rate for healthy adults.
130 Rotate the pinion yoke three or four times.
131 Lat year's catch was four times that of 1986.
132 She has jumped from an aeroplane four times.
133 I've built this siding four times.
134 Speed healing of sore throats by gargling with a warm goldenseal/salt-water solution for a few minutes at a time, at least four times a day.
135 Start her on I. V. Chloramphenicol, 25 milligrams per kilogram, four times a day.
136 In an attempt to unwind its massive stimulus unleashed during the global financial crisis, China has over the past nine months raised interest rates four times and banks' required reserves nine times.
137 Discovered by Abel Tasman in 1642, the islands were visited and explored by Capt. James Cook four times between 1769 and 1777.
138 While you can't keep a tab on your child at all times, research shows that "hands-on parenting" reduces risky teen behaviors and negative peer pressure by four times.
139 The spray charge-in of the supplies, force cloth membrane through four times.
140 He polled four times as many votes as his rival.
141 With the artists misting the interior three or four times a day—a process shown in the ethereal, chiaroscuro image seen here—the shoots emerge into a blanket of greenery.
142 At three to four times the size of Earth, super-Earth Gliese 581 g is likely a terrestrial planet like ours, and like Earth, it's large enough to hold an atmosphere [source: Lemonick].
143 Piemonte travels to Asia up to four times a year to meet with companies looking to recruit for their Asian operations.
144 Article99 The year's premiums retained by an insurance company undertaking property insurance shall not exceed four times that the total of the actual capital fund plus public accumulation fund.
145 We increased export rebate rates for textiles, garments and other labor-intensive products, as well as high value added products with high technology content four times.
146 Miss you much every day. Morning, three times, night, four times . So called, chop and change!
147 Put another way, those in the lowest income decile would, in proportional terms, lose almost four times as much from a carbon tax as those in the highest decile.
147 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
148 Alternatively, continuous oral megestrol at doses of 40 mg two to four times per day can be administered after coexistent endometrial cancer is excluded.
149 High-income countries are nearly four times more likely to have NCD services covered by health insurance than low-income countries.
150 My boss is angry because I forgot to punch out four times last month.
More similar words: at other times, time after time, times, betimes, at times, ofttimes, time slot, many times, sometimes, hard times, at all times, maritimes, timescale, time series, time-saving, oftentimes, three times, timesaving, times square, airtime, wartime, time schedule, time sequence, modern times, overtime, over time, several times, aftertime, behind the times, summertime.